Our reviews

(284 Reviews)
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January 18, 2018
The service and friendship is awesome and Thank you

January 14, 2018

December 29, 2017
Our fault in that we thought we were ordering the Greek but clicked on wrong one. We preferred the tomato sauce versus the pesto. Also didn't realize it was thin crust but that was okay.

December 21, 2017

December 16, 2017
Dude was a great sport when we paid 40$ in mostly toonies.

December 06, 2017
Over cook pizza last time, usually its good.

November 21, 2017

November 13, 2017
thanks for the call about no wings but would have been nice to have perhaps next time pizza tasted fine

September 17, 2017
We ordered four large pizzas, but got five mediums instead. Not sure if the difference was made up in the one additional medium.
The chicken wings were slimy.

September 16, 2017
Pizza was very good. Breadsticks were awesome as well.