Our reviews

(241 Reviews)
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Do you like Canadian 2 for 1 Pizza / Agassiz? We appreciate your effort in writing about your experience. Help customers like you make an informed decision.

July 02, 2017
It was good, it was fast and the delivery person was polite and friendly. The only negative was they forgot my extra dip, but no big deal...

June 27, 2017
Great pizza, fresh and fast delivery!

June 23, 2017
The main coarse was good and well presentable but the salad that came with the meal could be approved apone.There were some of the ingrediencests missing.

June 16, 2017
Staff polite and professional - 5 stars

Location Clean - 4 stars

Food - Hot - 4 stars

Pizza - - 3.5 Stars enjoyable

thank you

June 13, 2017
Little too much cheese (who says that? If the cheese had been layered, then maybe it would've been better at the same quantity) and could've been cooked a little longer.

Friendly service though! =)

June 11, 2017
The food was good & fresh, & the man who served me was friendly & professional.

June 10, 2017
Great pizza and service

June 08, 2017
Hot and delicious!

May 27, 2017
Always Great pizza and Friendly Service

May 18, 2017
Pizza was awesome!!!!