Our reviews

(241 Reviews)
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August 11, 2023
So Excited to receive Delivery to Harrison Hot Springs!
Pizzas were delicious. Great flavours. Nice crusts. Lots of toppings.
Friendly Service. Great Job!

August 09, 2023
Our delivery person was super nice and friendly but it did take over an hour to get our pizzas so they weren’t super hot and they forgot my dip!
But hey they were still good …

July 28, 2023
Fast delivery and lots of toppings and lots of cheese ! Very tasty!

July 21, 2023
The pizza was great. The taste was great. When we called in they were polite and kind.
I dropped a star for two reasons:
One is the time it took to receive, it was 1 hour and 45 minutes to have 8 pizzas delivered
Lastly, on the online order I commented I wanted no sauce on one pizza, I called to confirm they received this comment. She happily said yes however the pizza arrived and the request was not honored and we had one person who couldn’t eat.
Would order again overall and have every year we camp up here

July 21, 2023
Great pizza!

June 17, 2023
Added pineapple to bbq chicken and it didn’t come with that. Not sure if something glitched with app or what but my order said customization. Hoping I didn’t pay for that extra and not get it.

June 07, 2023
This was my first experience with 2 For 1, and I was super impressed! Online ordering was a piece of cake, they were quick, and super gracious about adding on an item I forgot (OK...maybe it was two things 😬), and the food was completely amazing! We ordered pepperoni pizza and cheesy garlic bread and ohhhh my goodness. SO DELICIOUS!

Edit: I forgot to mention the prices, also fantastic! I paid less for 2 pizzas and garlic bread than the same frozen stuff at the grocery; This tasted so much better and I didn't have to cook it!

Highly highly recommend. I will definitely be back.

June 03, 2023
How's the European Veggie Pizza?

May 12, 2023
Amazing as always

May 07, 2023
Best pizza I have had in a long time